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November 26, 2012

President Tony Ehler opened meeting at 7:00 P.M. with 14 members present. Joe Homier read the Amateur Code.

The October minutes were read and where it says that Greg Watson mentioned he wants a copy of the minutes of the meeting be sent to members changed to he reminded that the copies should be sent to the members.

Jim Smith reported the following financial report for October 2012.

Starting balance $1,567.26

Total Received -0-

Disbursements -0-

Ending balance $1,567.26

CD balance $3,083.54


Michael Brooker reported that he and Dennis Conner went to the Warren site and cut the lock to check out the equipment. The antenna is still there, however coax should be checked out. The 2 meter antenna is destroyed. He took the equipment from the site to his home. This project will be put on hold until warmer weather.

Tony Ehler mentioned that the sheriff’s office is planning to remodel the jail and we may need to find a new location for our meetings starting in January or February. Joe Homier said he will check into the West Fire Station as that is where he has Boy Scout meetings and family dinners at no charge.

Joe Homier checked into Ugalde’s Restaurant for our Christmas dinner on December 17th at 6:30 P.M. They are remodeling the place and should be finished and reopened as Moe’s Restaurant. We each will order off the menu. If not reopened a backup plan is to go to Pizza Hut.

Dave Kendall made the announcement that he will resign as Net Manager at the end of year. With no one else interested, Tony Ehler said he will replace Dave.

Joe Homier talked to Justin Wall about the Time and Temperature Telephone Line and it gets about 40,000 hits a month. It was discussed to check into doing it twice a year (Spring and Fall) instead of every month. Each member is to write an advertisement for this line using between 26 and 28 words and bring to the January meeting.

Joe Homier recommended that we have a Santa Claus Net on Christmas Eve beginning at 8:00 P.M. He suggested putting an ad in the newspaper so people would know about it and where to tune in for it.


Joe Homier will be in charge of contacting Jay Hedrick to let him know when we will be at his barn.

Betty Hopson Watson made the motion for the nominations of officers to open.

Greg Watson nominated Betty Hopson Watson for President

Joe Homier nominated Tony Ehler for President

Dennis Conner nominated Joe Homier for Vice President

Sam Tullis nominated Jim Smith for Treasurer

Pat Tullis nominated Deb Smith for Secretary

Betty Hopson Watson nominated Greg Watson for Secretary

Tom Beeching nominated Betty Hopson Watson for Trustee

Betty Hopson Watson nominated Thomas Beeching for Trustee

Dennis Conner nominated Michael Booker for Technical Manager

Mike Warner made the motion to close the nominations, Sam Tullis seconded it.

Officers is as follows

President- Tony Ehler 11 votes Betty Hopson Watson 3 votes

Vice President Joe Homier 14 votes

Secretary – Deb Smith 9 votes Greg Watson 5 votes

Treasure- Jim Smith 14 votes

Trustee – Thomas Beeching 12 votes Betty Hopson Watson 1 vote

Technical Manager- Michael Brooker- 14 votes

Mike Warner made motion to adjourn meeting- Sam Tullis seconded it.

Deb Smith Secretary



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